Luino is an Italian town of 14,833 inhabitants in the province of Varese in Lombardy.
The city is located on the left bank of Lake Maggiore or Verbano, nicknamed "lean side", now known as more attractively "Costa Fiorita".
The municipality borders with Switzerland.
In Luino is the nature trail 3V.
The statue of Garibaldi, as well as being the first to be his was paid in Italy, was built in 1867 when the hero of the two worlds was still alive.
Verbano Railway Museum
Archaeological Museum of Paleontology with art gallery, archaeological section and mineral and fossil collection. As a result of the renovation of the museum exhibits Palazzo Verbania they are transferred to the Museum of Besano.
Luino is the archaeological zone. Here, have been found of the Bronze Age finds.
The formaggella is a soft cheese produced in Italy from whole and raw milk from Camosciata goat breed in the Alps, Nera di Verzasca and Saanen as well as related meticci.� a protected designation product origin (PDO).
Dario Fo, a playwright, actor and writer, spent his childhood and adolescence in this town and in Porto Valtravaglia.
Informazioni article by:NETWORK PORTALI, Pisa